How long does it take to adjust to a room performing everyday actions? The videos focus on changes in the perception of the room by intervening on specific elements, mostly those elements that define the room in the first place.

Tableau! 2022.
Gemaakt in de vulkamer van Batterij aan den Sloterweg tijdens Artist Residency bij Ginds in Hoofddorp

Openings (winter solstice), 2021, HD video, 4.46 m

Gemaakt in Batterij aan den Sloterweg tijdens Artist Residency bij Ginds in Hoofddorp

Tijdens de kortste dag van het jaar gebeurde er iets bijzonders. Door de ligging van De Batterij en de weerkaatsing van de lage zon in de glazen gevel van het nieuwe kantoor aan de overkant, ontstond een overvloedige lichtinval. Deze dag, de omstandigheden en betekenis gaven dit werk haar definitieve titel.

Monitoring, 2019
gemaakt voor Voyage through a gallery’s skin, Paviljoen Welgelegen

Karien Beijers, lenses

Lenses, 2018, single screen video projection, 10’’ (loop)

Karien Beijers, video Eating light

Eating Light, 2018, 4k video projection, 18’’, (loop)
A video filmed at the place of presentation which shows a white wall being painted black in real-time.

Dogs on Art, 2017, Luwteloos, video, 11.49m
Script -Pieter Kusters; Camera – Toos van Aken, Karien Beijers, Astrid van Dort; Editing – Karien Beijers ; Voice over – Rob Wagschal

Karien Beijers, horizon

Horizon, 2017, 4 kanaals video, 3’50”19 (projectie, loop)
Three skylights in a small office space were the attraction to choose this room as a studio. The skylights were painted to dim the light. It took a lot of time removing the paint. The abundant light that came in afterwards turned out to be an obstacle, it constantly had to be covered and uncovered. The light is turned off manually. The three skylights form a horizon, this was further emphasized by hanging a curtain. The sound of cardboard and the actions of the hands amplify the friction.

Ondertussen – Interlude, video projectie

Karien Beijers, screen scherm, 1e still

Scherm – Screen, video projectie

Haakjes, 2017

Karien Beijers, leunen

Leunen, HD video,

Karien Beijers, venster

Venster, video projectie, 1.02m loop, 2015

Monitoring, 2019
gemaakt voor Voyage through a gallery’s skin, Paviljoen Welgelegen

Karien Beijersvenster, videostill
